“September 1980. When, at fourteen, Carl unexpectedly steps in for a sick choir member at his high school, he embarks on a completely different path than originally planned. This path soon leads him to the conservatory and, as one of the best, at an early age to the world’s great opera houses. By the age of just 26, Carl is a star tenor. But soon, he faces envy and resentment, and only when someone has to die does Carl realize that not everyone wishes him well.
Above all, old rival reappears and joins forces with an adversary against Carl. His career seems to be over. Yet unexpected support suddenly creates new opportunities. He fights his way back to the very top of the world stage and continues his journey with determination.
This journey leads Carl to the stars.”
Please note that both books are currently available only in German.
Available on Buchschmiede.at (LINK zu Verlag), in every book shop and on AMAZON
“Carl loves creating dishes. After completing his solid training, he sets off at twenty-two on a journey to learn from the great masters of culinary arts, with dedication and passion, to find his own path to the top. His journey takes him to Sydney, London, Rome, and Stavanger, marked by fateful encounters and joyful events, but also by envious colleagues, harsh critics, betrayal, blackmail, accidents, arson, and murder. On his path to becoming a top chef and after overcoming numerous setbacks, Carl returns to his homeland and finds his true love.”
Please note that both books are currently available only in German.
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The Lives of Carl Kollas
Every decision we make in life, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has the power to change the future. Regardless of how arbitrary and irrational these decisions often are, or how much they are influenced by external factors – they shape the rest of our lives.
Are you living the life that is meant for you?
But who or what influences our decisions?
How much are we controlled by external forces,
and how differently could everything have turned out?
Fate follows its own script.
The only pressure Baron Mathéo Lapointe felt on this hot Sunday morning in July was that of his bladder.
He let his black dressing gown of heavy Chinese silk slide off his body and looked with satisfaction at the bright red welts on his chest and back in the mirror.